PES 2021 Stadium Server v1.60
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PES 2021 Stadium Server v1.60 |
Stadium Server script for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2021 and PES 2020 PC. With this script you can add several stadiums as you want at eFootball PES 2021 and eFootball PES 2020. Sider 6 or Sider 7 is required to be installed.
New features Stadium Server v1.60
1. Multiple stadiums can now be assigned to a teamID (by using map_teams.txt) - if you assign multiple stadiums to a team (N stadiums = N assignment lines), one stadium will be selected randomly. With this change, map_teams now follows the same random multiple selection principle as map_competition did since v1
2. [OPTIONAL CHANGE] Now there's also a separate 3rd map file (map_comp_finals.txt) used to define only stadium(s) for final matches
Please understand this: even if you want to use the latest Stadium Server v1.60, you DO NOT NEED to change anything related to how stadium server handles stadium selection for the final matches in competitions - you do not need to change anything in your current map_competition.txt file, nor do you even have to use the new map_comp_finals.txt file - simply keep your current map_competition.txt file as you have it and do not edit anything in it.
While supporting new, more elegant and simpler way of defining stadiums for final matches, new Stadium Server 1.60 is still fully compatible with pre-1.60 way of defining stadiums for final matches using map_competition.txt only.
If you're not comfortable carefully rewriting large and somewhat complicated txt files, please do not change anything related to your current competition finals. Your old setup is still going to work.
So, you do want to switch to new 1.60 way of selecting stadiums for cup finals?
Then please read this carefully and with understanding
Now there's additional (3rd) map file named map_comp_finals.txt which can be used to create assignments only for the final matches in competitions - in essence, it simplifies existing finals management process - instead of adding data for finals as cumbersome elements 5, 6 and 7 in map_competition.txt lines, now it is possible to use shorter "compID, finalsStadID, finalsStadName, finalsStadPath" assignment lines in new map_comp_finals.txt file (see the map_comp_finals.txt from v1.60 archive for examples and detailed syntax).
You can assign multiple stadiums to a single competition finals in this new map_comp_finals.txt file - if so, one of the assigned stadiums will be selected randomly.
Important: As a side-effect of having new map_comp_finals.txt, old entries in map_competition.txt can also be simplified - it is an optional step, which you're free to skip, but it is still advisable to do it to get full advantage of new 1.60 approach.
So how do you simplify/clean-up your current map_competition.txt file? Simple :) last 3 values in a line, which were actually used to define a stadium for finals, can now be empty and your map_competition.txt can from now on be used to manage only pre-final stages of competitions - BUT: you still have to use all 6 commas in map_competition.txt entries.
Depending on a competition, you might even be able to delete dozens of lines from your current map_competition.txt file, making it easier to maintain in the future - in new 1.60 approach, only one reference in map_comp_finals.txt file is enough to define stadium for competition finals. Some very, very cumbersome blocks of lines related to World Cup and/or Euro come to mind here, simply begging for this simplifications
Simplification/deletion examples (taken from the sample v1.60 map_comp_finals.txt file available in downloaded archive)
(a) simplification example:
Let's assume there's an old assignment line in your map_competitions.txt which assigns both to UCL pre-final knockout stages (stadium ID 005) and to finals (stadium ID 009)
assumed old line in map_competitions.txt:
4, 005, Etihad Stadium, EPL-Etihad Stadium, 009, Ataturk Stadium, TUR-Ataturk Olympic Stadium
first, you simplify the line in map_competitions.txt by removing data for finals, but keeping all the commas - yes, you still HAVE TO use all 6 commas (,) in map_competitions.txt file to maintain compatibility with older versions:
4, 005, Etihad Stadium, EPL-Etihad Stadium, , ,
second, you add NEW LINE to new map_comp_finals.txt file
4, 009, Ataturk Stadium, TUR-Ataturk Olympic Stadium
(b) deletion example:
Now let's assume there's old assignment line in your map_competitions.txt which assigns only to UCL finals (stadium ID 009)
assumed old line in map_competitions.txt:
4, , , , 009, Ataturk Stadium, TUR-Antakya Ataturk Stadium
first, you COMPLETELY DELETE this line in your map_competitions.txt file, since this line does not have any data for pre-final stages (and because of that, it would become completely irrelevant when you make the next step - so, you delete it here in map_competitions) second, you add NEW LINE to new map_comp_finals.txt file
4, 009, Ataturk Stadium, TUR-Ataturk Olympic Stadium
So, depending on the existing line dealing with finals in your map_competition.txt file, you apply either example (a) or example (b) to fully migrate to new v1.60 approach.
Rinse&repeat for each line in your map_competition.txt file that has something to do with final matches. Do not change anything in your map_competition.txt lines that are NOT used for final matches.
Please, do not make requests for special treatments to semi-finals, best-of-8 and similar knock-out stages preceding the finals - that will not happen. Please use manual selection if in reality there are fixed semi-final stadiums, quarter-final stadiums, etc. Everything in stadium sever code is already way too complex as it is right now.
As usual, defining stadiums for finals makes sense only for cup-style competitions.
How to install:
1. Make sure you have already installed 1.00 and 1.20 and 1.25 and 1.30 and 1.40 and 1.50 and 1.55
2. Unpack the v1.60 archive and copy folders modules and content into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
How To Properly Install PES 2021 Stadium Server
STEP 1. Download and install v1.0 (baseline release - always required as a prerequisite for eventual future updates)
How to Install v1.0 : Unpack the v1.0 archive and copy the folder's content and modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked).
STEP 2. Download and install V1.20
How to Install v1.20
- Unpack the v1.2 archive and copy folders content and modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked).
- Open content\stadium-server\ADD THIS TO YOUR EXISTING map_teams.txt file and copy-paste its content at the end of your existing map_teams.txt file and save changes (to ensure that the stadium server properly handles real stadiums made by Konami)
- [OPTIONAL] If you already use community-enhanced versions of real Konami stadiums (e.g. custom San Siro), then remove corresponding default entries from map_teams.txt added in the previous step (e.g. remove the line "121, 030, San Siro, Konami\San Siro # Milan" to use your custom San Siro instead of original Konami's San Siro)
STEP 3. Download and install V1.25 - update to baseline release 1.0 and 1.20 update, make sure to have both 1.0 and 1.20 installed
How to install V1.25
- 1. Make sure you have both 1.00 and 1.20 installed (1.21 fix can also be installed, but v1.21 fix is now optional for fresh installation since v1.25 contains v1.21 fix too)
- 2. Unpack the v1.25 archive and copy folder modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
STEP 4. Download and install v1.30 - update to baseline release 1.0 and to updates 1.20 and 1.2 and 1.25 - make sure to have installed all 1.0, 1.20, and 1.25.
How to install V1.30
- 1. Make sure you have already installed all 1.00 and 1.20 and 1.25
- 2. Unpack the v1.30 archive and copy folder modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
- 3. Copy the customized version of sample force_weather.ini file into GDB roots of the stadiums that need to use perma-forced weather settings.
STEP 5. Download and install v1.40 - update to baseline release 1.0 and to updates 1.20 and 1.2 and 1.25 and 1.3 - make sure to have installed all 1.0, 1.20, 1.25 and 1.30
How to install V1.40
- 1. Make sure you have already installed 1.00 and 1.20 and 1.25 and 1.30 (complete Downloads index is available in post #5)
- 2. Unpack the v1.40 archive and copy folder modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
STEP 6. Download and install v1.50 - update to baseline release 1.0 and to updates 1.20 and 1.2 and 1.25 and 1.3 - make sure to have installed all 1.0, 1.20, 1.25, 1.30 and 1.40
How to install V1.50
- 1. Make sure you have already installed 1.00 and 1.20 and 1.25 and 1.30 and 1.40 (complete Downloads index is available in post #5)
- 2. Unpack the v1.50 archive and copy folder modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
STEP 7. Download and install v1.55 - update to baseline release 1.0 and to updates 1.20 and 1.2 and 1.25 and 1.3 - make sure to have installed all 1.0, 1.20, 1.25, 1.30, 1.40 and 1.50
How to install V1.55
- 1. Make sure you have already installed 1.00 and 1.20 and 1.25 and 1.30 and 1.40 and 1.50 (complete Downloads index is available in post #5)
- 2. Unpack the v1.55 archive and copy folder modules into your sider folder (overwrite when asked)
STEP 8. Add the following line bellow lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua" on your sider.ini
lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua"
Before you begin (If not done already) Download and install CommonLib.lua v1
Original Link : PES 2021 Stadium Server v1.60
Credits & Thanks To : Zlac
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